Mutants. The next stage in Evolution. A genetic offshoot; a sub-species.
Inheritors of the Earth. These are the Children of the Atom.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dramatis Personae

Principle Cast

Professor X -- Charles Xavier

Status: Headmaster and Owner of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.

Age: 64

Recently, Professor Charles Xavier has revealed a startling fact to the world at large. After years of hiding, Xavier has come out as a mutant on global television as well as offered his school and home as refuge to any mutant seeking it. An important side-effect of his revelation was that the school was also 'outed', as well as every person who is connected to it.

Powers: Telepathy.

Cyclops -- Scott Summers

Status: Field Leader of the X-Men

Age: 30

Scott Summers is at a crisis point in his life. Nothing remains significant to the young mutant other than his life wearing the 'X'. He has no close family, no friends, no loves; his only close contact is a father-figure and mentor in Professor X. Present with Xavier during his televised unveiling of the Xavier School as a mutant haven, the one pillar on which Summers' life rests has been shaken and is in danger of falling apart.

Powers: Concussive Optic Blasts.

Rogue -- Anne Marie Mathis

Status: Recent graduate of the Xavier Institute; member of the X-Men.

Age: 22

Rogue is one of the newer recruits currently active within the team and a stalwart believer in the dream. Formerly a criminal, her rehabilitation and subsequent education at Xavier's Massachusetts Academy has helped mold her into one of the best and brightest of Xavier's Third Generation. Despite her misgivings about going public, her trust in Professor Xavier is unwavering.

Powers: Energy absorption through skin contact.

Colossus -- Piotr Rasputin

Status: Member of the X-Men.

Age: 26

Piotr Rasputin has been the most constant X-Man since his graduation as a member of Xavier's second class. Recent tragedy, the disappearance of his younger sister Illyana, has not diminished the hope within his soul. Illyana is alive somewhere, and he will find her.

Powers: Transmutation of flesh to organic steel; superhuman strength and durability.

Shadowcat -- Katheryn Pryde

Status: Member of the X-Men.

Age: 26

Katheryn Pryde is a Chicago girl, born and raised in the city, and graduated as the sole female member of Xavier's second class. A veteran member of the X-Men, her experience on the field as well as her intelligence and skill in the martial arts have made her a force to be reckoned with, mutant powers or no. Currently, she is dating the newest X-Man--Sam Guthrie aka Cannonball.

Powers: Molecular Phasing.

Cannonball -- Sam Guthrie

Status: Recent graduate of the Xavier Institute; Member of the X-Men.

Age: 21

Cannonball is the new kid on the team. Still getting used to playing in the 'big leagues', he is far from the green kid he was when he first came to the school. Sam quickly earned respect amongst his teammates despite his hot-headedness and eventually co-led the junior squad alongside Rogue. Now a full-fledged X-Man, his eagerness and determination have served him well. Sam is currently dating his older teammate, Kate Pryde aka Shadowcat.

Powers: Self-generated propulsion through high-powered combustion; protective energy barrier while in flight.

Guest Starring:

Proteus -- David Xavier

Status: Recently escaped from the Muir Island Research Facility.

Age: 19

Deemed mentally unstable and highly dangerous, David has spent most of the last six years living in the steel confines of the subbasement of the Muir Island Research Facility. With only television and occasional visits from his mother and medical staff to serve as companionship, David's condition has spiraled downward. Witnessing his father's public disclosure of his mutant status, David's strained psyche finally broke. Possessing the body of Sharon Friedlander, David succeeded in breaking free of his steel prison, causing much damage to the facility in his wake. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Powers: Reality Manipulation; Mental Possession.

Dr. Moira MacTaggert

Status: Head Researcher at the Muir Island Research Facility.

Mother of David Xavier and Charles's ex-wife, Moira MacTaggert was present during David's escape, luckily only suffering minor injuries in the process. Fearful of her insane son's intent, she was able to escape the facility's lower levels with the help of a visiting Professor Braddock. Finally able to call Xavier after a few hours, Moira worries that it may be too late to save either her son or her ex-husand.

Powers: None; Human.

Professor James Braddock

Status: Guest Researcher at the Muir Island Research Facility

Professor Braddock was visiting Muir for a beta-test of an experimental new version of the fabled Super Soldier Serum. Present in the facility when David escaped though not an actual witness, he helped Moira MacTaggert to safety afterwards.

Powers: None; Human.
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